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  • louisedalrymple7


Updated: Mar 31, 2021

The Cube Houses (Kubuswoningen) in Rotterdam are one of the city’s most iconic attractions. Designed by Dutch architect Piet Blom, this residential development stands apart as its homes are literally cubes, tilted over by 45 degrees.

The Cube Houses were designed asymmetrically to resemble an abstract forest, each triangular roof representing a treetop. The residences were constructed on concrete pillars with wooden framing. Standing at three-floors tall, their ground floor is the entrance, the first floor contains an open kitchen and living room, the second floor houses a bathroom and two bedrooms, and in some cases the top floor is used as small rooftop gardens.

I took these pictures in early 2020 whilst still living in The Netherlands.

I lived in Amsterdam but often liked to visit Rotterdam as it provided such a contrast. Rotterdam was bombed heavily in WW2 resulting in innovative and creative architecture rising thereafter.

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