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  • louisedalrymple7


Updated: Jan 6, 2021

During reflection week I visited the Frances Disley exhibition 'Pattern Buffer' at The Bluecoat Liverpool.

"Pattern Buffer explores the potential of the gallery space to create a restorative environment. Relaxing film works combine with specially selected plants and comfortable seating to create a welcoming setting focused on the wellbeing of the visitor" (The Bluecoat, 2020)

I went on to feature this exhibition in my Research Essay, here is an exert:

"Although not directly linked to hospitality, the exhibition was relevant as the artist is interested in what we can implement to improve our wellbeing. It shows several artworks as prompts for relaxation. Such as a hand painted quilt, jigsaws printed with plants and custom-made dominoes tables.

The artist spoke to psychologists from the University of Salford to learn more about how architectural spaces make us feel and the positive effect certain colours and biophilic design can have on our mood. From her learnings, Disley decided to transform the typical clean white gallery space and concrete floors into softly painted and carpeted environments.

The result is a relaxing environment that invites quiet reflection. We can see how relatively simple changes such as paint colours, layout, use of plants can and placing the individual at the centre of the project can really promote wellbeing."

Image: Louise Dalrymple

Image: Louise Dalrymple

Image: Louise Dalrymple

Image: Louise Dalrymple

Image: Louise Dalrymple

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