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  • louisedalrymple7


Updated: Apr 29, 2021

Once this was Paradise Street Development Area Building No. 9, officially it is 69, Hanover Street, but with Herbert's Hairdressing Salon & School as the principal occupier, it has been christened The Bling Bling Building. Piers Gough has said that he wanted a building that would match the personality of Herbert Howe, describing him as the king of bling. Inside, the salon is fitted out in glass and marble, outside the building has a curved curtain wall with green tinted glass and three projecting 'pods'. One over the main entrance, one on the Hanover street facade which terminates the view down Wood Street, and a third cantilevered out high over School Lane. The pods are said to use stone which has been vermiculated

Piers Gough is the 'G' in the architectural practice CZWG, his work is usually distinctive and playful, one of his most famous buildings is the public toilet-come flower stall in Westbourne Grove, London.

The projecting 'pods' have inspired me for my own project. I particularly like the shape which provides me with inspiration for a connection or tunnels between rooms or separate pods.

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